
Speakers Truss Structure for UTS in Sydney

Speakers Truss Structure for UTS in Sydney 3

The following tailored structure was constructed for the University of Technology in Sydney, and specifically for their Interactive Lab that is located in their newly-built Tower 2. It is a square 4.29×4.29m truss creation, specially crafted to lift 8 Genelec Speakers forming a circle.

In addition, parallel to 2 of the sides, and approximately 50cm apart of them, another line of customised Eagle TS293 trusses were attached to finalize the design. 8x TS294 Truss Lifting Adaptor Brackets with Eye Ring and Dual Clamps, that have a load capacity up to 500kg, were mounted on all 4 sides (2 brackets per side), as they are really strong, durable, and ideal for permanent installations, such as this one.

The services we provided include truss CAD drawing, manufacturing, engineer certification, and installation.