
Saesoon Church Gets Lighted By Phantos Moving Heads

saesoon church lighting

Saesoon church is the largest Korean church in Sydney where God is worshipped by the Koreans, and Phantos lights Saesoon Church for its new auditorium. The new auditorium was built to accommodate more and enhance the worshipping experience of the church members.


Our client Saesoon church was supplied with sixteen moving heads, and in these moving heads includes eight XMLite EXF370 and also eight BFRO 194G to enhance the experience and light their new auditorium.

The XMLite EXP370 is a new generation LED moving head that is quickly catching up on its lamp counterparts. Why we say this is because BSW type of moving heads are lamp based because of their superior output. However, it has its own downside like fan noise and heat. Breakthroughs in LED chip technology has ensured LEDS challenge bright lamps. This product provided the much-needed lighting in the new auditorium that will help the church attendees flow with the service.  

saesoon church

Phantom also provided eight BFRO 19640G moving head lighting equipment. These BFRO moving heads provides a 19X40W RGBW Led light that illuminates an environment smartly. This LED lighting equipment comes in a medium sized body and it features a smooth zoom, a 6-60 degree zoom angle. Its ability to give off accurate colors made it suitable for its placement in the new church auditorium.

This lighting equipment possesses nineteen LEDs and they fall into four groups that can be controlled by selected group in its 38ch mode.

saesoon church lighting

We are happy that our service was used to promote the work of the lord through Saesoon, and we will always look forward to working with and helping you perform the lords work smoothly. Phantom provides the latest and best innovative tool for event lighting and our services are offered at very interesting prices.  

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