PHANTOS LED 120W SPOT for Pier One Hotel

Pier One Hotel is one of the most iconic venues in Sydney that needs no introduction. Back in 2015, the hotel contacted, former, Fairchild Multimedia to perform an upgrade to their in house lighting rig. PHANTOS 120W spots, 36X8W Mega Wash, and P18X8W Wash Pars were installed by Fairchild after a brief product demo meeting with their, then, VP Ken Little.
Fast forward to Dec 2018, we have zero warranty issues for the lighting fixtures at this venue. These fixtures are constantly being de-rigged and put back to cater for different event requirements.
The PHANTOS 120 Spot was our first major LED spot light at the time to replace the long time worrier MAC 575 Krypton and its various replicas. Its 120W LED engine can output more light than a 575w lamp. While the standard colour wheel, gobo wheels, 3 facet prism and frost all have a small space in today’s world, these are still what you find in the package of most fixtures aimed at hotels, high schools and churches etc.
Today the 120 Spot is replaced by the more powerful EXP170 Hybrid and LS180 Spot,depending on what specs and features customers are after.
The 36X8W RGBW Mega Wash was a popular LED wash with a decent amount of output for venues such as clubs and hotel auditoriums with a ceiling under 6 meters. It features 10-50° zoom which was quite something to talk about when they first came out. Even in 2018, the RGBW LEDs are still mainstream for colour washing fixtures although LEDs with bigger output are taking over. The new generation of LED washes we offer are, to name a few, the XMLite LM560, BRFO 19X15 and the 19X40.
The Phantos P18X8 RGBW is a static wash light with a wide 40° lens for excellent colour mixing results. They are proven to be very robust over the past few years with very few warranty issues. A number of production companies own this fixture including Hightlight Entertainment, Technical Event Services and many others, and these Par cans are still kicking ass. Their latest update; The PHANTOS P18Hex, which is a hex version with the same wide angle lens. It also features, Neutrik power con in/out for faster daisy-link of power which saves a lot of piggy back extensions and manpower during bump-in and de-rigging.