
Obsidian NX1 vs Hedgehog 4X

Obsidian Control Systems NX1 and HedgeHog 4X

In this blog post we will be comparing two lighting control systems offered by High End Systems and Obsidian Control systems. Both systems compete in the same area of the market and have similar programming methods, ie, they are command-line based.

High End Systems; Hedgehog 4X: An Overview

HedgeHog 4X

The Hedgehog 4X represents High End System’s entry into the all-in-one console segment (The processing is built in).  The Hedgehog 4X features a 12.1” touch screen display, ten faders and four encoder wheels. It also has 12 user-assignable function keys. The HOG 4 OS is known across the lighting industry for its stability, powerful FX and ease of use. The HOG 4 OS has also been improved over HOG 3 OS in the following ways; Unified Fixture libraries, a new timecode toolbar which has a new, large clock display and a simpler set timecode emulation tool, improved wheelset editor. Finally, the HOG 4 OS allows for the improved display of Chases on the playback bar.


Ease of use: Onyx NX-1 and Hedgehog 4X


Both the NX-1 and Hedgehog 4X are command-line based consoles, however, one could argue that the NX-1 is slightly more graphical, especially with its built in Dylos pixel mapping engine which is an advantage for more complex rigs or for those installations that have a large amount of LED tape. At this level both consoles will be more than adequate to run a simple school lighting rig that contains a few conventional fixtures and moving head fixtures. The main limitation with both consoles is the training required to use them, a schoolteacher with no prior knowledge will struggle to configure the desks correctly. Once training has been provided the Onyx based system would be more appropriate simply due to its advanced feature set (Dylos) and more graphical interface.