Motorised Stage Curtains and Cyc Screen for Dapto High School

Dapto High School had been updating their stage equipment during the last few months and PHANTOS was selected to supply and install a motorized stage curtain system, as well as a new truss-mounted cyc screen.
IFR wool 550g/sqm fabric was chosen after samples were inspected by the school. A dead hang rear tab, motorized mid tab, and main house curtains were supplied and installed by PHANTOS. the IFR wool curtains are made to 100% fullness, comply with Australian safety standards with test tags. The good thing about IFR fabric is they stay fire retardant for its entire life even after it is dry cleaned. the IFR Wool stage curtains and drapes are also heavy-duty, an ideal choice in a school hall environment. We can supply and manufacture IFR wool curtains in Black, Blue, and Red.
The main house curtains and mid tab are installed with GRT T40II motorized curtain track and 200W curtain motors that are designed to pull curtains of upto 100Kg. The system comes with a wall-mount control/receiver unit, as well as a wireless remote. Where multiple electrical stage curtain tracks are installed, these different tracks can all be programmed into one wireless remote.
The school requested a white cyc cloth to be mounted onto an existing truss arch on stage. This cyc cloth will also be serving as a projector screen. White nessel cloth was selected with eyes punched along 4 sides and cable tied to the truss structure.
The school is very satisfied with the final result and has since recommended PHANTOS to Ingleburn High School for their curtain upgrade. If your school has dated curtains or planning to upgrade the existing manual rope system to a motorized curtain system, we appreciate an opportunity to talk to you.